Example of depth potential function in slam

# Authors: Julien Lefevre <julien.lefevre@univ-amu.fr>

# License: MIT
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
NOTE: there is no visualization tool in slam, but we provide at the

end of this script exemplare code to do the visualization with an external solution

Import of modules

import slam.curvature as sc
import slam.differential_geometry as sdg
import trimesh
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

Define the example provided in Figure 5 of Depth potential function for folding pattern representation, registration and analysis Maxime Boucher a,b, * , Sue Whitesides a , Alan Evans

def boucher_surface(params, ax, ay, nstep):
    # Parameters
    xmin, xmax = [-ax, ax]
    ymin, ymax = [-ay, ay]
    # Define the sampling
    stepx = (xmax - xmin) / nstep
    stepy = stepx * np.sqrt(3) / 2  # to ensure equilateral faces

    # Coordinates
    x = np.arange(xmin, xmax, stepx)
    y = np.arange(ymin, ymax, stepy)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    X[::2] += stepx / 2
    X = X.flatten()
    Y = Y.flatten()

    # Delaunay
    faces_tri = Delaunay(np.vstack((X, Y)).T, qhull_options="QJ Qt Qbb")

    # Equation for Z
    M = params[0]
    sigma = params[1]  # called sigma_y in the paper
    Z = (
        / sigma
        * np.exp(-(X**2) - Y**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
        * (Y**2 - sigma**2)

    # Mesh
    coords = np.array([X, Y, Z]).transpose()
    mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(
    return mesh

params = [4, 0.25]
ax = 2
ay = 1
nstep = 50
mesh = boucher_surface(params, ax, ay, nstep)

Compute dpf for various alpha

res = sc.curvatures_and_derivatives(mesh)
mean_curvature = res[0].sum(axis=0)
alphas = [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100]
dpfs = sdg.depth_potential_function(
    mesh, curvature=mean_curvature, alphas=alphas)

amplitude_center = []
amplitude_peak = []
index_peak_pos = np.argmax(mesh.vertices[:, 2])
index_peak_neg = np.argmin(mesh.vertices[:, 2])
for i in range(len(dpfs)):
Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait
Finished calculating vertex normals
Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait
Finished Calculating curvature tensors
Calculating Principal Components ... Please wait
Finished Calculating principal components
  Computing Laplacian
    Computing mesh weights of type fem
    -edge length threshold needed for  0  values =  0.0  %
    -number of Nan in weights:  0  =  0.0  %
    -number of Negative values in weights:  324  =  3.7465309898242367  %
    -nb Nan in Laplacian :  0
    -nb Inf in Laplacian :  0

Fix alpha and vary M = params[0]

all_M = [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2]
all_amplitudes = []

for M in all_M:
    mesh = boucher_surface([M, 0.25], ax, ay, nstep)
    res = sc.curvatures_and_derivatives(mesh)
    mean_curvature = res[0].sum(axis=0)
    dpfs = sdg.depth_potential_function(
        mesh, curvature=mean_curvature, alphas=[0.0015])
    all_amplitudes.append(dpfs[0][len(mesh.vertices) // 2])
Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait
Finished calculating vertex normals
Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait
Finished Calculating curvature tensors
Calculating Principal Components ... Please wait
Finished Calculating principal components
  Computing Laplacian
    Computing mesh weights of type fem
    -edge length threshold needed for  0  values =  0.0  %
    -number of Nan in weights:  0  =  0.0  %
    -number of Negative values in weights:  110  =  1.2719703977798336  %
    -nb Nan in Laplacian :  0
    -nb Inf in Laplacian :  0
Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait
Finished calculating vertex normals
Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait
Finished Calculating curvature tensors
Calculating Principal Components ... Please wait
Finished Calculating principal components
  Computing Laplacian
    Computing mesh weights of type fem
    -edge length threshold needed for  0  values =  0.0  %
    -number of Nan in weights:  0  =  0.0  %
    -number of Negative values in weights:  112  =  1.2950971322849214  %
    -nb Nan in Laplacian :  0
    -nb Inf in Laplacian :  0
Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait
Finished calculating vertex normals
Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait
Finished Calculating curvature tensors
Calculating Principal Components ... Please wait
Finished Calculating principal components
  Computing Laplacian
    Computing mesh weights of type fem
    -edge length threshold needed for  0  values =  0.0  %
    -number of Nan in weights:  0  =  0.0  %
    -number of Negative values in weights:  112  =  1.2950971322849214  %
    -nb Nan in Laplacian :  0
    -nb Inf in Laplacian :  0
Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait
Finished calculating vertex normals
Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait
Finished Calculating curvature tensors
Calculating Principal Components ... Please wait
Finished Calculating principal components
  Computing Laplacian
    Computing mesh weights of type fem
    -edge length threshold needed for  0  values =  0.0  %
    -number of Nan in weights:  0  =  0.0  %
    -number of Negative values in weights:  112  =  1.2950971322849214  %
    -nb Nan in Laplacian :  0
    -nb Inf in Laplacian :  0
Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait
Finished calculating vertex normals
Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait
Finished Calculating curvature tensors
Calculating Principal Components ... Please wait
Finished Calculating principal components
  Computing Laplacian
    Computing mesh weights of type fem
    -edge length threshold needed for  0  values =  0.0  %
    -number of Nan in weights:  0  =  0.0  %
    -number of Negative values in weights:  110  =  1.2719703977798336  %
    -nb Nan in Laplacian :  0
    -nb Inf in Laplacian :  0
Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait
Finished calculating vertex normals
Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait
Finished Calculating curvature tensors
Calculating Principal Components ... Please wait
Finished Calculating principal components
  Computing Laplacian
    Computing mesh weights of type fem
    -edge length threshold needed for  0  values =  0.0  %
    -number of Nan in weights:  0  =  0.0  %
    -number of Negative values in weights:  110  =  1.2719703977798336  %
    -nb Nan in Laplacian :  0
    -nb Inf in Laplacian :  0
Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait
Finished calculating vertex normals
Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait
Finished Calculating curvature tensors
Calculating Principal Components ... Please wait
Finished Calculating principal components
  Computing Laplacian
    Computing mesh weights of type fem
    -edge length threshold needed for  0  values =  0.0  %
    -number of Nan in weights:  0  =  0.0  %
    -number of Negative values in weights:  110  =  1.2719703977798336  %
    -nb Nan in Laplacian :  0
    -nb Inf in Laplacian :  0


import visbrain # visu using visbrain import slam.plot as splt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

mesh=mesh, caption=”Boucher mesh”, bgcolor=[

0.3, 0.5, 0.7])

visb_sc visb_sc.preview()

plt.semilogx(alphas, amplitude_peak) plt.semilogx(alphas, len(alphas) *

[params[0] * (1 + 2 * np.exp(-3 / 2))], “–“)

plt.xlabel(“alpha”) plt.ylabel(“amplitude”) plt.legend([“DPF at center”, “DPF (secondary peaks)”, “True amplitude”]) plt.show()

visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(

mesh=mesh, tex=dpfs[0], caption=”Boucher mesh”, bgcolor=”white”

) visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(

mesh=mesh, tex=dpfs[5], caption=”Boucher mesh”, visb_sc=visb_sc

) visb_sc.preview()

plt.xlabel(“M”) plt.ylabel(“Amplitude of DPF”) plt.show()

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 41.308 seconds)

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