example of hinge shaped surface

# Authors: Julien Lefevre <julien.lefevre@univ-amu.fr>

# License: MIT
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
NOTE: there is no visualization tool in slam, but we provide at the

end of this script exemplare code to do the visualization with an external solution

importation of slam modules

import slam.curvature as scurv
import slam.generate_parametric_surfaces as sgps

Creating an examplar 3-4-…n hinge mesh

hinge_mesh = sgps.generate_hinge(n_hinge=4)
mesh_curvatures = scurv.curvatures_and_derivatives(hinge_mesh)
mean_curvature = 1 / 2 * mesh_curvatures[0].sum(axis=0)
Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait
Finished calculating vertex normals
Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait
Finished Calculating curvature tensors
Calculating Principal Components ... Please wait
Finished Calculating principal components


# Visualization with visbrain visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(

mesh=hinge_mesh, tex=mean_curvature, caption=”hinge”, cblabel=”mean curvature”

) visb_sc.preview()

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 3.564 seconds)

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