Mapping example in slam

# Authors:
# Guillaume Auzias <>
# Julien Barrès <>

# License: MIT
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
NOTE: there is no visualization tool in slam, but we provide at the

end of this script exemplare code to do the visualization with an external solution

Importation of slam modules

import slam.generate_parametric_surfaces as sps
import numpy as np
import slam.topology as stop
import slam.mapping as smap
import slam.distortion as sdst

Generation of an open mesh

K = [-1, -1]
open_mesh = sps.generate_quadric(K, nstep=[5, 5])
open_mesh_boundary = stop.mesh_boundary(open_mesh)

Mapping onto a planar disk

disk_mesh = smap.disk_conformal_mapping(open_mesh)
  Computing Laplacian
    Computing mesh weights of type conformal
    -edge length threshold needed for  0  values =  0.0  %
    -number of Nan in weights:  0  =  0.0  %
    -number of Negative values in weights:  8  =  8.333333333333334  %
    -nb Nan in Laplacian :  0
    -nb Inf in Laplacian :  0
Boundary Size: (12,)
Laplacian Size: (21, 21)

Compute distortion measures between original and planar representations

angle_diff = sdst.angle_difference(disk_mesh, open_mesh)
area_diff = sdst.area_difference(disk_mesh, open_mesh)
edge_diff = sdst.edge_length_difference(disk_mesh, open_mesh)


# Visualization with visbrain import slam.plot as splt from vispy.scene import Line from visbrain.objects import VispyObj, SourceObj # Visualization of the open mesh visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(mesh=open_mesh, caption=”open mesh”) for bound in open_mesh_boundary:

points = open_mesh.vertices[bound] s_rad = SourceObj(

“rad”, points, color=”red”, symbol=”square”, radius_min=10)

visb_sc.add_to_subplot(s_rad) lines = Line(pos=open_mesh.vertices[bound], width=10, color=”b”) # wrap the vispy object using visbrain l_obj = VispyObj(“line”, lines) visb_sc.add_to_subplot(l_obj)


# Visualization of the same mesh mapped onto a disk visb_sc2 = splt.visbrain_plot(mesh=disk_mesh, caption=”disk mesh”) for bound in open_mesh_boundary:

points = disk_mesh.vertices[bound] s_rad = SourceObj(

“rad”, points, color=”red”, symbol=”square”, radius_min=10)

visb_sc2.add_to_subplot(s_rad) lines = Line(pos=disk_mesh.vertices[bound], width=10, color=”b”) # wrap the vispy object using visbrain l_obj = VispyObj(“line”, lines) visb_sc2.add_to_subplot(l_obj)


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.013 seconds)

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