example of SPANGY (spectral decomposition) tools in slam

# Authors:

# License: MIT
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
NOTE: there is no visualization tool in slam, but we provide at the

end of this script exemplare code to do the visualization with an external solution

importation of slam modules

import numpy as np
import slam.io as sio
import slam.curvature as scurv
import slam.spangy as spgy


mesh = sio.load_mesh(
vertices = mesh.vertices
num_vertices = len(vertices)
print('{} vertices'.format(num_vertices))

N = 1500  # N should be < to the number of vertices.
2328 vertices

Compute eigenpairs and mass matrix

eigVal, eigVects, lap_b = spgy.eigenpairs(mesh, N)
Computing Laplacian
  Computing mesh weights of type fem
  -edge length threshold needed for  0  values =  0.0  %
  -number of Nan in weights:  0  =  0.0  %
  -number of Negative values in weights:  936  =  6.706792777300086  %
  -nb Nan in Laplacian :  0
  -nb Inf in Laplacian :  0


PrincipalCurvatures, PrincipalDir1, PrincipalDir2 = \
mean_curv = 0.5 * (PrincipalCurvatures[0, :] + PrincipalCurvatures[1, :])
Calculating vertex normals .... Please wait
Finished calculating vertex normals
Calculating curvature tensors ... Please wait
Finished Calculating curvature tensors
Calculating Principal Components ... Please wait
Finished Calculating principal components


grouped_spectrum, group_indices, coefficients, nlevels \
    = spgy.spectrum(mean_curv, lap_b, eigVects, eigVal)
levels = len(group_indices)

# a. Whole brain parameters
mL_in_MM3 = 1000
CM2_in_MM2 = 100
volume = mesh.volume
surface_area = mesh.area
afp = np.sum(grouped_spectrum[1:])
print('** a. Whole brain parameters **')
print('Volume = %d mL, Area = %d cm², Analyze Folding Power = %f,' %
      (np.floor(volume / mL_in_MM3), np.floor(surface_area / CM2_in_MM2), afp))

# b. Band number of parcels
print('** b. Band number of parcels **')
print('B4 = %f, B5 = %f, B6 = %f' % (0, 0, 0))

# c. Band power
print('** c. Band power **')
print('B4 = %f, B5 = %f, B6 = %f' %
      (grouped_spectrum[4], grouped_spectrum[5],

# d. Band relative power
print('** d. Band relative power **')
print('B4 = %0.5f, B5 = %0.5f , B6 = %0.5f' %
      (grouped_spectrum[4] / afp, grouped_spectrum[5] / afp,
       grouped_spectrum[6] / afp))
** a. Whole brain parameters **
Volume = 30 mL, Area = 64 cm², Analyze Folding Power = 37.227117,
** b. Band number of parcels **
B4 = 0.000000, B5 = 0.000000, B6 = 0.000000
** c. Band power **
B4 = 13.947520, B5 = 5.143363, B6 = 0.897768
** d. Band relative power **
B4 = 0.37466, B5 = 0.13816 , B6 = 0.02412


loc_dom_band, frecomposed = spgy.local_dominance_map(coefficients, mean_curv,
                                                     levels, group_indices,

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Define negative mean curvature subsignal
mean_curv_sulci = np.zeros((mean_curv.shape))
mean_curv_sulci[mean_curv <= 0] = mean_curv[mean_curv <= 0]
grouped_spectrum_sulci, group_indices_sulci, coefficients_sulci, _ \
    = spgy.spectrum(mean_curv_sulci, lap_b, eigVects, eigVal)

# Define positive mean curvature subsignal
mean_curv_gyri = np.zeros((mean_curv.shape))
mean_curv_gyri[mean_curv > 0] = mean_curv[mean_curv > 0]
grouped_spectrum_gyri, group_indices_gyri, coefficients_gyri, _ \
    = spgy.spectrum(mean_curv_gyri, lap_b, eigVects, eigVal)


import slam.plot as splt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap import pyvista as pv

# Plot of mean curvature on the mesh visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(

mesh=mesh, tex=mean_curv, caption=’Mean Curvature’, cmap=’jet’)


# Plot coefficients and bands for all mean curvature signal fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.scatter(np.sqrt(eigVal/2*np.pi), coefficients, marker=’+’, s=10, linewidths=0.5) #ax1.plot(np.sqrt(eigVal[1:]) / (2 * np.pi), # coefficients[1:]) # remove B0 coefficients #ax1.scatter(np.sqrt(eigVal[1:]/2*np.pi), # coefficients[1:], marker=’+’, s=10, linewidths=0.5) # remove B0 coefficients ax1.set_xlabel(‘Frequency (m⁻¹)’) ax1.set_ylabel(‘Coefficients’)

# print(grouped_spectrum) ax2.bar(np.arange(0, levels), grouped_spectrum) #ax2.bar(np.arange(1, nlevels), grouped_spectrum[1:]) # remove B0 ax2.set_xlabel(‘Spangy Frequency Bands’) ax2.set_ylabel(‘Power Spectrum’) plt.show()

# Plot of spectral dominant bands on the mesh visb_sc = splt.visbrain_plot(mesh=mesh, tex=loc_dom_band,

caption=’Local Dominant Band’, cmap=’jet’)


# Plot mean curvature coefficients & compacted power spectrum characterizing # either Sulci either Gyri folding pattern # ————————————————————————— coefficients_colors_sulci

= plot_global_coefficients_and_bands_sulci_or_gyri( group_indices_sulci, coefficients_sulci, colormap_sulci

) coefficients_colors_gyri

= plot_global_coefficients_and_bands_sulci_or_gyri( group_indices_gyri, coefficients_gyri, colormap_gyri


fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2)

# GLOBAL FOLDING PATTERN OF SULCI #axs[0,0].plot(np.sqrt(eigVal/2*np.pi), # coefficients_sulci, color=coefficients_colors_sulci) axs[0,0].scatter(np.sqrt(eigVal/2*np.pi),

coefficients_sulci, marker=’+’, s=10, linewidths=0.5, color=coefficients_colors_sulci)

#axs[0,0].scatter(np.sqrt(eigVal[1:]/2*np.pi), # coefficients_sulci[1:], marker=’+’, s=10, linewidths=0.5, # color=coefficients_colors_sulci[1:]) # remove B0 coefficient axs[0,0].set_xlabel(‘Frequency (m⁻¹)’) axs[0,0].set_ylabel(‘Coefficients mean_curv<=0’)

axs[0,1].bar(np.arange(0, nlevels), grouped_spectrum_sulci.squeeze(), color=colormap_sulci) #axs[0,1].bar(np.arange(1, nlevels), # grouped_spectrum_sulci[1:].squeeze(), # color=colormap_sulci[1:]) # remove B0 axs[0,1].set_xlabel(‘Spangy frequency bands’) axs[0,1].set_ylabel(‘Power spectrum mean_curv<=0’)

# GLOBAL FOLDING PATTERN OF GYRI #axs[1,0].plot(np.sqrt(eigVal/2*np.pi), # coefficients_gyri, color=coefficients_colors_gyri) axs[1,0].scatter(np.sqrt(eigVal/2*np.pi),

coefficients_gyri, marker=’+’, s=10, linewidths=0.5, color=coefficients_colors_gyri)

#axs[1,0].scatter(np.sqrt(eigVal[1:]/2*np.pi), # coefficients_gyri[1:], marker=’+’, s=10, linewidths=0.5, # color=coefficients_colors_gyri[1:]) # remove B0 coefficient axs[1,0].set_xlabel(‘Frequency (m⁻¹)’) axs[1,0].set_ylabel(‘Coefficients mean_curv>0’)

axs[1,1].bar(np.arange(0, nlevels),

grouped_spectrum_gyri.squeeze(), color=colormap_gyri)

#axs[1,1].bar(np.arange(1, nlevels), # grouped_spectrum_gyri[1:].squeeze(), color=colormap_gyri[1:]) # remove B0 axs[1,1].set_xlabel(‘Spangy frequency bands’) axs[1,1].set_ylabel(‘Power spectrum mean_curv>0’)


# LOCAL SPECTRAL BANDS # ——————– # Plot of spectral dominant bands on the mesh, with automatized colormap number_of_displayed_bands = len(np.unique(loc_dom_band))

band_values = np.linspace(np.min(loc_dom_band),

np.max(loc_dom_band), number_of_displayed_bands+1)

# 13 = 6 positive bands * 2 + Band 0 –> to generalize band_colors = np.empty((number_of_displayed_bands+1, 4)) limit = np.max(loc_dom_band) - number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands + 1 # limit band number under which band is displayed in black

band_colors[band_values < limit] = colors[0, :] # low frequency bands

# associate one color per high frequency sulcus band for i in range(number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands):

band_colors[band_values == -(limit+i)] = colors[i+1, :]

# associate one color per high frequency gyrus band for i in range(number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands):

band_colors[band_values == (limit+i)] = colors[i+1+number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands, :]

localbands_colormap = ListedColormap(band_colors) #loc_dom_band = loc_dom_band.astype(int)

p = pv.Plotter() p.add_mesh(mesh, scalars=loc_dom_band,

show_edges=False, cmap=localbands_colormap, show_scalar_bar=False)

p.add_text(“Local Dominant Bands”, font_size=14) p.add_scalar_bar(‘Band n°’, fmt=”%.0f”) p.show()

# AUTOMATIZED COLORMAP DEPENDING ON NUMBER OF BANDS # ————————————————- # Define automatically the sulci/gyri folding pattern colormap, # in correlation with nlevels –> colors, colormap_sulci, colormap_gyri number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands = int(nlevels/2)

colors = np.zeros((2*number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands+1, 4)) # 4 colors for 7 bands (black + B4 + B5 + B6) color_variations_coef = np.linspace(0, 1, number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands)

# low frequency bands colors[0, :] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]) # to display in grey: np.array([0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1])

# colors of high-folding-pattern sulci bands for i in range(number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands):

colors[i+1, :] = np.array([0, color_variations_coef[i], 1, 1])

# colors of high-folding-pattern gyri bands for i in range(number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands):

colors[i+1+number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands, :]

= np.array([1, color_variations_coef[i], 0, 1])

# allocate dedicated color to each bar of the global power spectrum: # Colormap for Sulci folding patterns colormap_sulci = [] # len = 7 for i in np.arange(0, nlevels-number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands):

colormap_sulci.append(colors[0, :]) # B0, B-1, B-2, B-3

for i in np.arange(0, number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands):

colormap_sulci.append(colors[i+1, :]) # B-4, B-5, B-6

# Colormap for Gyri folding patterns colormap_gyri = [] # len = 7 for i in np.arange(0, nlevels-number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands):

colormap_gyri.append(colors[0, :]) # B0, B1, B2, B3

for i in np.arange(0, number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands):

colormap_gyri.append( colors[i+1+number_of_high_folding_pattern_bands, :]) # B4, B5, B6

# GLOBAL COEFFICIENTS AND BANDS # —————————– def plot_global_coefficients_and_bands_sulci_or_gyri( group_indices, coefficients, colormap):

coefficients_colors = [] # len = N (e.g. 1500 eigenpairs)

# coefficient corresponding to band B0 coefficients_colors.append(colormap[0])

# coefficients corresponding to other bands i.e. B1..B6 & B-1..B-6 band_last_eigenvalue = [] for i in range(len(group_indices)):

band_last_eigenvalue.append(group_indices[i][1]) # i, first eigen value of the band Bi

for i in np.arange(1, len(coefficients)): # len(coefficients) = N

j = 0 while i > band_last_eigenvalue[j]:

j = j+1 if i < band_last_eigenvalue[j]:



return coefficients_colors

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 17.094 seconds)

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