example of surface profiling in slam

# Authors: Tianqi SONG <tianqisong0117@gmail.com>

# License: MIT
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
NOTE: there is no visualization tool in slam, but we provide at the

end of this script exemplare code to do the visualization with an external solution

importation of slam modules

import numpy as np
import slam.surface_profiling as surfpf
import slam.io as sio

loading an example mesh

mesh = sio.load_mesh("../examples/data/example_mesh.gii")

Select a vertex and get the coordinate and normal.

vert_index = 1000
vert0 = mesh.vertices[vert_index]
norm0 = mesh.vertex_normals[vert_index]

Set the parameters for surface profiling initial direction of rotation, rotation angle, length and number of sampling steps

init_rot_dir = np.array([1, 1, 1]) - vert0
rot_angle = 10
r_step = 0.1
max_samples = 45

Surface profiling

profile_points = surfpf.surface_profiling_vert(
    vert0, norm0, init_rot_dir, rot_angle, r_step, max_samples, mesh


# Visualize result prof_points_mesh = profile_points.reshape(

profile_points.shape[0] * profile_points.shape[1], 3

) prof_points_colors = np.zeros(prof_points_mesh.shape) points_mesh = trimesh.points.PointCloud(

prof_points_mesh, colors=np.array(prof_points_colors, dtype=np.uint8)

) # set the points colors red, yellow, green, blue = [

[255, 0, 0, 255], [255, 255, 0, 255], [0, 255, 0, 255], [0, 0, 255, 255],

] color_i = np.zeros(4) for i in range(len(prof_points_mesh)):

degree = i / max_samples num_profiles = int(360 / rot_angle) segment_color = num_profiles / 3

if degree <= segment_color:
color_i = trimesh.visual.color.linear_color_map(

degree / segment_color, [red, yellow]


elif segment_color < degree <= segment_color * 2:
color_i = trimesh.visual.color.linear_color_map(

degree / segment_color - 1, [yellow, green]


elif segment_color * 2 < degree <= num_profiles:
color_i = trimesh.visual.color.linear_color_map(

degree / segment_color - 2, [green, blue]


points_mesh.colors[i] = np.array(color_i)

# create a scene with the mesh and profiling points scene = trimesh.Scene([points_mesh, mesh]) scene.show(smooth=False)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.098 seconds)

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